Evolution of NGOs throughout history

Have you ever wondered about the evolution of NGOs since the First World War?

Original - focus on individual

Defining features: Relief or welfare

Problem definition: Shortage

Time frame: Immediate

Scope: Individual or family

Chief actors: NGO

NGO role: Doer

Management orientation: Logistics management

Development education: Starving children

Second - focus on community

Defining features: Community development

Problem definition: Local inertia

Time frame: Project life

Scope: Neighbourhood or village

Chief actors: NGO and community

NGO role: Mobiliser

Management orientation: Project management

Development education: Community self-help

Third - global focus

Defining features: Sustainable systems development

Problem definition: Institutional and policy constraints

Time frame: Ten to twenty years

Scope: Region or nation

Chief actors: All relevant public and private institutions

NGO role: Catalyst

Management orientation: Strategic management

Development education: Constraining policies and institutions

Fourth - focus on synergy

Defining features: People’s movement

Problem definition: Inadequate mobilising vision

Time frame: Indefinite future

Scope: National or global

Chief actors: Loosely defined networks of people and organisations

NGO role: Activist/ educator

Management orientation: Coalescing and energising self-managing networks

Development education: Spaceship earth